Saturday, January 9, 2010

Character creation

So as I create these fake people it is interesting making up their pasts and their personalities. I often wonder when I am writing this stuff down is this what other authors do? I am in complete control over their lives it sort of gives you a pseudo god complex but in a smaller scale LOL.

Where to begin.............

I guess I wanted to start this blog just to throw down random thoughts at random times. Why not share these thoughts with friends and family? I guess it is only better to have people get inside my head right?

Procrastination.... One of my favorite past times. Have you ever had a great idea that no matter what is going on this one (or many) thought keeps plaguing you? This is my book idea I have had for the past few years. I think about it every day but it is not that easy to write a novel as I have found out. So there it is just burning in the back of my head like a camp fire that will not go out.

Which brings me to my next problem... Reading now as important as reading is to writing I just do not like doing it. I couple months ago I managed to read a Stephen King novel and although it was a good read and I enjoyed it I have not been able to get myself into another book lately. I think this is a big part of my inability to write down pages for my novel. I can visualize the entire book in my head and know exactly how I want the story to play out but when it comes down to crunch time I get nothing.......

I stare at a blank screen just begging my fingers to start typing my ideas that are spinning wildly in my head. So this is what brings me to this blog I guess this is a last ditch attempt to "jump-start" my inner writer. So this concludes my first entry of the "blog" deal I for one never thought I would create one for myself LOL such is life.